

1.曹刚老师于2019-05-31在Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering上发表SCI期刊论文《Resampling detection of recompressed images via dual-stream convolutional neural network》

2.宋明丽老师于2019-04-15在Applied Soft Computing上发表SCI期刊论文《Granular Neural Networks: A Study of Optimizing Allocation of Information Granularity in Input Space》

3.刘文老师于2019-04-11在International Journal of Theoretical Physics上发表SCI期刊论文《Quantum Protocol for Millionaire Problem》

4.董春玲老师于2018-09-01在IEEE Transactions on Reliability上发表SCI期刊论文《Cubic Dynamic Uncertain Causality Graph: a new methodology for modeling and reasoning about complex faults with negative feedbacks》

5.尚文倩老师于2018-09-01在International Journal of Performability Engineering上发表EI期刊论文《An Improved Tensor Decomposition Model for Recommendation System》

6.曹刚老师于2018-08-01在International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks上发表SCI期刊论文《Fast contrast enhancement by adaptive pixel value stretching》

7.张琪琮老师于2018-06-01在Wireless Personal Communications上发表SCI,EI期刊论文《A New Incentive Policy for Improving Data Servicein P2P Networks》

8.宋明丽老师(通讯作者)于2018-03-01在Applied Soft Computing上发表SCI期刊论文《A comparative study of improved GA and PSO in solving multiple traveling salesmen problem》

9.曹刚老师于2018-03-01在IET Image Processing上发表SCI期刊论文《Acceleration of Histogram- based Contrast Enhancement via Selective Downsampling》

10.刘志强老师于2018-03-01在multimedia tools and applications上发表SCI期刊论文《A novel retrieval method for remote sensing image based on statistical model》

11.曹刚老师于2018-02-01在Computers and Electrical Engineering上发表SCI期刊论文《Contrast Enhancement of Brightness-Distorted Images by Improved Adaptive Gamma Correction》

12.曹刚老师于2018-02-01在Information Processing Letters上发表SCI论文《Translation and scale invariants of Krawtchouk moments》

13.黄玮老师于2017-11-01在IET Information Security上发表SCI,EI会议论文《Defending shilling attacks in recommender systems using soft co-clustering》

14.宋明丽老师于2017-10-01在International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics上发表SCI,EI会议论文《Analysis of spatiotemporal data relationship using information granules》

15.刘文老师于2017-07-17在An Novel Protocol for the Quantum Secure Multi-Party Summation Based on Two-Particle Bell States上发表SCI期刊论文《An Novel Protocol for the Quantum Secure Multi-Party Summation Based on Two-Particle Bell States》

16.朱立谷老师(通讯作者)于2017-06-01在International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing上发表SCI期刊论文《MapReduce System Productivity Modeling and Measurement》

17.曹刚老师于2017-03-01在Journal of Food Science上发表SCI论文《Asians’ Facial Responsiveness to Basic Tastes by Automated Facial Expression Analysis System》


Dynamic Multi-Party Quantum Private Comparison Protocol with Single Photons in Both Polarization and Spatial-Mode Degrees of Freedom

19.黄祥林老师于2016-10-01在Neurocomputing上发表SCI论文《Bridge the semantic gap between pop music acoustic feature and emotion: Build an interpretable model

20.黄玮老师于2016-10-01在Computers in Industry, 2016, 82: 151-159.上发表SCI论文《VOAuth: A solution to protect OAuth against phishing

21.曹刚老师于2016-09-01在China Communications上发表SCI论文《Robust Watermarking of Mobile Video Resistant against Barrel Distortion

22.王永滨老师于2016-06-01在Journal of Information and Computational Science上发表EI期刊论文《Spatio-temporal consistency in stereoscopic video depth map sequence estimation

23.石民勇老师于2016-06-01在Mathematical Problems in Engineering上发表SCI论文《Improved Feature Weight Algorithm and Its Application to Text Classification

24.黄祥林老师于2016-04-01在Mathematical Problems in Engineering上发表SCI,EI会议论文《Improved Feature Weight Algorithm and Its Application to Text Classification

25.李樱老师于2016-02-01在HIGH TECHNOLOGY LETTERS上发表EI期刊论文《A semantic-based coherence micro-cluster recognition algorithm for hybrid web data stream

26.洪志国老师于2015-12-01在黑龙江大学自然科学学报上发表北大中文核心期刊论文《基于3DS Max脚本反馈机制的动漫渲染计算节点开发

27.黄玮老师于2015-11-01在Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience上发表EI期刊论文《CS-1-SVM: Improved One-Class SVM for Detecting API Abuse on Open Network Service

28.曹建香老师于2015-11-01在Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory上发表SCI论文《ON THE EDGE-HYPER-HAMILTONIAN LACEABILITY OF BALANCED HYPERCUBES

29.曹建香老师于2015-11-01在LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS上发表SCI论文《The spectral radius of edge chromatic critical graphs

30.黄祥林老师于2015-10-01在Multimedia Systems上发表SCI,EI会议论文《Feature selection and feature learning in arousal dimension of music emotion by using shrinkage methods》

31.周菁老师于2015-10-01在Personal and Ubiquitous Computing上发表SCI,EI会议论文《SShare: a simulator for studying and evaluating decentralized SPARQL query processing

32.黄玮老师于2015-10-01在Transactions on Information and Systems上发表SCI论文《Scaling Concolic Testing for the Environment-Intensive Program

33.石民勇老师于2015-07-01在MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING上发表SCI论文《Privacy Protection Method for Multiple Sensitive Attributes Based on Strong Rule

34.黄玮老师于2015-07-01在CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS上发表SCI论文《Input Generation via Taintdata Identification: Finding Hidden Path in the Environment-Intensive Program

35.刘文老师于2015-06-01在International Journal of Theoretical Physics上发表SCI论文《Quantum Multi-party Private Comparison Protocol using d-dimensional Bell States


37.宋明丽老师于2015-02-01在Applied Soft Computing上发表SCI论文《Human centricity and information granularity in the agenda of theories and applications of soft computing

38.曹建香老师于2015-01-01在Mathematical Problems in Engineering上发表SCI论文《Complex Networks: Statistical Properties,Community Structure, and Evolution
